Saturday, February 7, 2009

has it been that long?

I have to say I haven't been workin on this blog thing like I should. I suppose it has a lot to do with my inability to write well. I guess I should just dive in anyway. Anyone who knows me just will have to take my ungrammatical ramblings and weed out the crud.

I planted the garden with P on Monday. So far I have onions, potatoes and strawberries. Then we were lucky enough to get a really good soaking rainstorm so the plants should do well. (the weeds will thrive) I really hate to weed but really plan to stay on top of it this year and not procrastinate so much. I have to say procrastination is not a good trait.

The dogs are all doing well and pup is now as big as her mom at seven months. Her manners improve daily and she is a lover. The only thing we can't seem to get her to understand is she is not supposed to cross the boundaries of the radio fence. Her collar does shock her but she just doesn't seem to mind it much. Sets on top of the wire, with the collar zapping her and takes no notice whatsoever. Will occasionally scratch at the zap. PUPS!

Shy dog is developing cataracts, and I guess this means I can't move the furniture around anymore. Poor old girl!

I have a couple of quilts going on the machines and it is nice working in that sewing room now that we have an oil heater in there. It gets nice and toasty in there. I love that. Well, that is all I can think of to say this morning. I will try to be more regular in my posts.

1 comment: said...

I had the same problem and found out I had the wrong collar for my dog. I went to and found the one that would work.