Monday, October 20, 2008

Puppy dog tales

Well, here goes. I have a puppy that will be four months old tomorrow. I love the little booger but she is really hard to live with most evenings.

Her favorite games are trashcan diving, toilet paper running, and potty paws. Every time me or DH leave the house the person remaining has to deal with a puppy tantrum.

I started putting the trash can behind the dog food canister and that dealt with the first game, but nothing seems to keep her out of the bathroom.

We shut the door and she learned to open it. We closed the toilet lid and she noses it up, dives in and digs the water out of the bowl like mad. I am cleaning that toilet bowl a minimum of twice a day. If you can stop her from that then she grabs the toilet paper end and runs like mad through the house with it. I am reminded of when my sons were little guys. I wonder how I lived through them? I am too old for this stuff!

Is potty arm the universal language of toddling mammals? These are the questions that go through my mind as I deal with the demon doggy pup from hades. What was I thinking when I said, "okay honey, let's just keep one puppy." Some one shoot me and put me out of my misery. And I won't even go into puppy poo patrol, and housebreaking.

Her momma dog is a really laid back, scaredy cat rottweiler. I mean she is so scared of everyone and everything that she hid under my skirts all the time before this pup came along. She is older so she sleeps a lot. However, the other night we had a prowler. I don't know exactly what you would classify this guy as, but for the purposes of this blog I will call him a prowler.

He came into our yard and tried to get into our garage with the police in hot pursuit. Seems he botched a robbery just down the road from us and was running on foot away from the police, and instead of running into the 300 acres of orange trees surrounding our house, where he had a chance of escaping, he runs into my yard and tries to break into my garage.

The dogs want out and are not barking or warning me anyone is out there so I open the door. The old rottie girl clears the front porch in a superman type single bound, crosses the electric radio controlled fence that delivers a shock to her neck if she crosses it and knocks this poor dude on his keester. Then she sits on him and growls. She did not bite him. Thank goodness for that, because living in California if she had bitten him I would be in for a lawsuit. Never mind that he was on land that he had no business being on.

So she is just sitting there, growling and not doing anything else, he has his arms over his head in a defensive position, and the police car pulls into my driveway. I think to myself, O no, my dog is a dead dog, because she is sitting on this dude.

Mind you he found her fairly intimidating because he urinated on himself. I don't think it added any aroma to him that was not already present though, because he was a very rank individual. I would think that he was either homeless or a methamphetamine addict or both. They do seem to go hand in hand around here, along with home invasion robberies.

Anyway, the lady cop says can you leave the dog there for a minute while I get a tarp out to cover the seat in my squad car. I don't want that on my upholstery. So I did not pull the dog off for a little longer. This poor guy was whimpering, and I felt sort of sorry for him, until she frisked him and found the knife. Thank goodness he didn't stab my poor old dog.

I still have no clue how she got the nerve up to go after someone like that, she has always been so frightened of everyone. Claude says it is because she loves me and was protecting me, but I am more of the opinion that she was protective of her puppy. (the aforementioned demon puppy from hades)

Well that is all the stupid dog tricks for this week. I am off to bed and hope they let me sleep all night, instead of waking me up at 2 am because some critter is moving around in the orchard. Goodness knows that the pup doesn't go outside to use the facilities, housebreaking is a trial of fire with demon puppies.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

more stuff

Well it looks as if they aren't going to keep my blog restricted. I am still recovering from the creeping crud last week and wonder if I will ever get my sinuses back? It really threw me for a loop and I have been sleeping a lot more than usual.
I have been working on house and yard this week and the wind has blown for two days now. It looks like all the yard work I did on Monday was useless as I now have about 30 or 40 palm tree limbs to pick up. They blow down and make a horrible mess. Whoever thinks palm trees are low maintenance doesn't have old ones that lose limbs.
Doralee has dragged about six of em up on the porch as trophy's. It is so funny watching that pup do things like that. They are so much bigger than she is that it is just comical. Of course those big puppy feet get tangled up at the same time and that makes it like watching the keystone cops. She goes tail over teakettle pretty often when her back feet outrun her front feet.
It is so hard to believe that she weighed about half a pound when she was born the 21st of June. She is already up to 35-40 pounds and based on her feet; I think she may get bigger than her mom. I have to give her a shot today as well. I don't look forward to that at all. She is wiggly and it is hard to hold her while I give the shot.
Well I am working in my sewing room today after I pick up the limbs, and will be finishing up some mending and a shirt for the old guy that lives here. Then on to figure out which dress to make for Miss Carus.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

spam blogs

somehow or other my blog is now blocked and it seems that I have been identified as spam. I am so depressed by this.
Fall is so definitely here and the weather has cooled down more than a little bit here lately. I am not complaining, but with fall comes a whole lot of work.
I have to clean out the swamp cooler and drain it, then tidy up the back porch, prune all the bushes as the sap drops down, and generally have a work week or three.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Stuff and thangs

Okay here goes nothing! I have never really tried blogging before so this is a new experience. My daughter Becca says I should try it so I decided to give it a shot.

I am married to my second husband and we are empty-nesters. WE have four fur babies, who are absolute terrors. The oldest is a rottweiler named Shyla because she is a really shy dog. Bless her heart, she was a rescue and is timid.
Then is our little mutt dog named Charley's Angel. She loves to play ball, chase squirrels, and will count for a doggie treat. She also chases a laser pointer like a demon. She bites when scared, which is not often because she is pretty fearless.
The next fur baby is Kiki La Rue a kitty cat that beats up all and sundry. She runs the dogs with claws of steel. She loves to hunt and has brought in dead opossums from the orange orchard we live in.
Then the last fur baby is a 14 week old rott/husky mix pup that is an absolute cutey pie with demon characteristics. As with all pups she is a chewer and tends to get the puppy crazies. She also likes to play ball, chase squirrels, and chase the laser pointer. It gets pretty funny sometimes. Her feet are huge and she is a klutz still but I think she will be bigger than my rottie girl.

I have two sons here in town and they are really good guys. They come see me about once or twice a week and help with car repairs and yard work and pest control.
My daughter is in Oregon with her hubby and two kids and fur babies of her own, and my oldest boy lives in New Mexico.

I have two step daughters, one here in town and one in South Carolina.

I have seven grandchildren who are all the smartest and most beautiful kids in the world. Don't argue with me about this; because you won't change my mind.

I like to sew, garden, quilt and make music. I don't like to cook or clean, but do it because I don't like living in a sty.