I have now acquired a black jeep grand cherokee laredo vehicle and it gets decent gas mileage. I love that I am now mobile and can do my house hunting and such with the Jeep. I have gone to see a good friend from high school several times and find that I am enjoying the freedom of not having too much to do or anyone to cater to besides me.
Mom and Dad have been pretty great to be around and I am of the opinion that they are great folks and that is not a biased opinion.
Dad is sort of scared of Dora and the little stinker is picking up on that. I am a bit frustrated that I can't sew too much yet with the arm and so on but that will end eventually.
I want to take a road trip here fairly soon to go cut asparagus on the ditch banks of my home town but am not sure it is still even there as I haven't really been there for about 30 years. Call me a nervous nellie but if I don't get the asparagus I will feel like a total failure and that's the truth!
that is pretty much all I have to say about it right now. My daughter, bless her heart, wants me to post the story of how I met her father ( my first hubby) but I think I will not do that right now. Maybe later when it doesn't make me feel like such a failure for marrying twice and not getting it right either time....
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